
Sunday, July 22, 2012

A Tale Of Two Venues


Anonymous said...

Isn't the Hanover a non-profit organization? The other is a for-profit.

Anonymous said...

I've seen in the past that the assessors rarely ever updated values for non-profits.

Anonymous said...

The Hanover Theater is for profit, not exempt. However, it has a tax increment financing deal with the city. The $534,600 assessed valuation represents the "base valuation" of the building before improvements were made. All of the improvements, totaling in the millions, are 100% exempt from taxation for a period of seven years.

Anonymous said...

The TIF was awarded in Dec. 2007 and is valid through 2014. For the TIF they promised to create 10 jobs.

The difference between the base number and the TIF number is about $29.5 million.

So I think the TIF saves them about $1 million a year. Over 7 years that's about $7 million. So each job cost taxpayers $700,000 in taxes.

Anonymous said...

And the jobs created put about $200k into the local economy. Maybe.